Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

Published on 08/01/2019

Winter Hat Pom-Poms

Winter hats are important if you want to keep your head warm and comfy during wintertime. Have you noticed all those pom-poms that come with these pieces of clothing? This fashion feature has been traced back to Scandinavia. The pom-pom was placed there to gather the seams when knitting was still very common. Even though this is no longer the case, the adorable feature has lived on!

Winter Hat Pom-Poms

Winter Hat Pom-Poms


Airplane Window Holes

Did you freak out a little when you first sat in the window seat and noticed the tiny hole in the airplane window? We have all been there. Why does it even exist? The breather hole, as it is called, lets the outer panes of the airplane deal with the pressure difference when an airplane goes higher. This makes the cabin stay at a comfortable and safe level. Should the outer pane ever get compromised, you should notice an air leak through the tiny hole!

Airplane Window Holes

Airplane Window Holes