Items All Music Lovers Should Have In Their Home
Who doesn’t love music? Whether you’re trying to blow off some steam, get through a tough time, or celebrate a special occasion, music is always a great outlet. Naturally, you don’t have to be a singer, musician, or songwriter to have the ability to simply appreciate music – everyone can do that. Music is made to be enjoyed and listened to, after all. So, what does all this have to do with your home and its decor? If you happen to be one of those people who adores music, we wanted to list some great ways to incorporate this into your home. Of course, not everything fits everyone’s budget, so we’ve found some affordable ideas as well to make sure everyone will be able to appreciate music the way they should.
Whatever home you may be living in – whether it’s a house, apartment, or anything else, speakers are a must. Portable speakers come in a wide range of sizes and prices, making them a great choice for everyone. JBL’s speakers are known to be of great quality that truly do the music justice. Think about getting a speaker you can move from room to room whenever you want to. It doesn’t have to be too big to work well, believe us.
Showerhead Speaker
Did you know you can purchase showerheads that have built-in speakers? Now you do! You won’t have to precariously put your phone in the bathroom anymore – now you can have the music right by you the whole time with no worries. No shower is complete without a good singing session, everyone knows that.
Record Coasters
If you want to subtly incorporate music into your home decor, coasters made of old records is a great idea. Aside from upcycling and being better for the environment, having coasters made of old records is a great conversation starter. Of course, this will also allow you some peace of mind when it comes to wine rings on your table, so it’s a win-win.
A Piano
For those who want to go all-out, getting a piano is a no-brainer. There’s nothing quite like having a beautiful piano in a living room. It just creates an entirely new atmosphere and feel for the room. Also, if you have a piano, you definitely will end up practicing more, improving your skills in the process!
Magnetic Poetry
Exercise your creative muscles a little with an adorable poetry magnet set. Essentially, you get a box filled with interesting words you can string together in any which way right on your fridge! Aside from having fun with it, it can be a useful tool for lyricists trying to get through writer’s block. In fact, the reason this was made in the first place was because a lyricist had writer’s block! He came up with this method and simply wrote down words on pieces of paper and rearranged them.
Coffee Table Books
There are so many different books written about music – truly, the possibilities are nearly endless. Search online for one that piques your interest and buy it to have on the coffee table! Aside from having the pleasure of reading it, you’ll get the chance to impress your guests as well.
A Record Player
Finally, if you want to have an old-school feel in your home, get a record player! It’s always fun to collect items you love, so why not begin collecting vinyl records? Aside from looking aesthetically pleasing, you’ll have another way to listen to all your favorite music at home!